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Baker, Theodore (1900), A biographical dictionary of musicians, New York: G. Schirmer
Baltzell, Winton James (ca. 1914), Baltzell's dictionary of musicians containing concise biographical sketches of musicians of the past and present with the pronunciation of foreign names, Boston: Oliver Diston Company
Champlin Jr., John Denison (1888), Cyclopedia of music and musicians, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons
電子版:第1巻 (Abaco - Dyne)第2巻 (Easter - Mystères)第3巻 (Naaman - Zwillingsbrüder)
Ehrlich, A. (1894), Celebrated pianists of the past and present: a collection of one hundred and thirty-nine biographies, with portraits, Philadelphia: Theodore Presser
Fétis, François-Joseph (1866), Biographie universelle des musiciens, Paris: Firmin Didot Frères
Fétis, François-Joseph (1881), Biographie universelle des musiciens: supplément et complement, Paris: Firmin-Didot
Fuller-Maitland, John Alexander ed. (1904-1910), Grove's dictionary of music and musicians, New York: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd.
電子版:第1巻 (A - Eybler)第2巻 (F - Lysberg)第3巻 (Maas - Pyne)第4巻 (Quadrille - Szymanowska)第5巻 (Tablature - Zweischenspiel)
Hubbard, William Lines (1908), The American history and encyclopedia of music, Toledo, New York, Chicago: Irving Squire
電子版:Musical biographies Vol. 1 (Abbott - Lysberg)Musical biographies Vol. 2 (Maas - Zwintscher)
Lott, R. Allen (2003), From Paris to Peoria: how European piano virtuosos brought classical music to the American heartland, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Marmontel, Antoine-François (1878), Les pianistes célèbres, Paris: Heugel et Fils
電子版 上田泰史氏による邦訳がPTNAホームページにて公開中
Marmontel, Antoine-François (1882), Virtuoses contemporains, Paris: Heugel et Fils
Pauer, Ernst (1895), A dictionary of pianists and composers for the pianoforte with an appendix of manufacturers of the instrument, London: Novello; New York: Ewer and Co.
Pazdírek, Franz (1904-1910), Universal-Handbuch der Musikliteratur, Wien: Pazdírek & Co.
電子版:1 (A - Azzoni)2 (B - Bellenghi)3 (Bellenghi - Boieldieu)4 (Boieldieu - Bywater)5 (C - Czynski)6 (D - Dziwak)7 (E - Gattermann)8 (Gattermann - Hall)9 (Hall - Hyspa)10 (I - Kuhe)11 (Kuhe - Löwenstein)12 (Löwenstein - Messner)13 (Messner - Normand)14 (Normand - Popper)15 (Popper - Rossi)16 (Rossi - Schwalm)17 (Schwalm - Swain)18 (Swain - Vogler)19 (Vogler - Zycka)
Pierre, Constant (1900), Le Conservatoire national de musique et de déclamation, Paris: Imprimerie Nationale
Riemann, Hugo / Shedlock, John South trans. (1896), Dictionary of music, London: Augener & Co.
Sadie, Stanley & John Tyrrell ed. (2001), The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, London: Macmillan Publishers; New York: Grove's Dictionaries
ヴェーマイヤー、グレーテ / 岡美知子訳 (1986) 『カルル・チェルニー:ピアノに囚われた音楽家』 東京:音楽之友社 [Wehmeyer, Grete (1983), Carl Czerny und die Einzelhaft am Klavier, oder, Die Kunst der Fingerfertigkeit und die industrielle Arbeitsideologie, Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag; Zürich: Atlantis Musikbuch-Verlag]
ショーンバーグ、ハロルド・C / 中河原理・矢島繁良訳 (1977) 『ピアノ音楽の巨匠たち』 東京:芸術現代社 [Schonberg, Harold C. (1963), The great pianists, New York: Simon and Schuster]
松永晴紀 (2004) 『ピアノ・デュオ作品事典』 東京:春秋社
安田寛 (2012) 『バイエルの謎:日本文化になったピアノ教則本』 東京:音楽之友社

Hofmeister XIX
音楽出版物カタログ『Hofmeister Monatsberichte』の電子版
The Henselt Society
Centro Studi Internazionale Sigismund Thalberg
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